Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday Goodness

Hello everyone sorry for not posting anything for about a month now. I noticed Dustin has been posting things up on his blog, so I'm feeling greatly motivated to update myself. Things at home (Northern Virginia) have been amazing. I have not been at home with my parents for this long in three years. Im living in the place that I grew for 13 years and it is very weird being here. Its the mix of the past and present. Im going to the church that i first became a Christian, meeting new people there. God is doing miraculous things. I've had a divine encounter with a person who out of many circumstances got to this Christmas party that I was attending last Saturday, not being from this area he was from (Central VA) in an area that i knew about , He was dealing with some church issues and he talked to me about switching to another church that I knew of. Out of the sequence of events he explained, I could see how even I was part of these events to help get him out of an unhealthy environment. God's sovereignty was revealed to me, and Wow is it mind boggling how good God is at fitting events together like a puzzle.

I love Christmas, Cookies , candy , more candy and cookies. I am working for UPS for the Holiday season and man is it fun. Because of the amount of packages being shipped everywhere for the holiday season UPS hires "driver helpers" during the holiday season. Its a fun job. First of all you stay in shape because your constantly moving and lifting boxes of all shapes and sizes. Secondly the route that Im on has a lot of businesses so around this time of year businesses have holiday parties, that means lots of extra food. Guess who gets to have that Holiday goodness? Man is it good. From Cheese cake to popcorn, to Herseys chocolates. One of our stops is the "The Washington Redskin's" practice park. I kid you not, everyday we go there we get free Gatoraid. So God has blessed me with a great seasonal job, but now I can not wait to go back to Streams.

God's provision for Streams have been great, Daddy is worthy to be trusted for provision. Jessica Hamlet recently got a full ride to this next trimester, from an anonymous donor. Praise God!!! I Love this guy called The Prince of Peace.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Season to Remember

This trimester is now over. New York was very interesting, overwhelming and educational. By experience New York is the epitome of the America Dream. On the way down to New York we stopped at a Vineyard church. There we ministered to the people there. Ken talked about what we do and then interprated dreams. Then we went and ministered to the people in teams. It was good to minister to Christians because we didn't have to veil our speech, we could actually say Jesus right away. The people were amazing and they recieved us well.

The next day we headed for Long Island. There we stopped at Sharayah's church having a place to stay for the next three nights and to later minister to. That night we drive down town in the middle of traffic chaos. I have never been in such nerve racking traffic in my life, and I wasn't driving. While trying to find the "Learning Annex Center" (Donald Trump Conference) we struggle through taxi cab cludder. We made Streams Ministry History by blocking New York traffic; Ken makes an atempted U-turn, Ali in the other van following close behind. John Harding had to get out and stop traffic so both vans can back off the sidewalk and continue on the street. Ken and Ali I plaudit for remaining sane. Finally getting to the "Learning Annex" we rush in and go to our training. I and most of the guy would be doing product which is just moving the product that these "financial teachers" would sell their teachings. Other guys did crowd control. The girls would be sale assistants and hosts. After training we take two hours to get back to Sharayah's church and eat a well prepared meal, pizza. It tasted so good after such a crazy day.

Next day we go in and start working. For twelve hours we move boxes of financial teachings around the Center. I learned a lot moving boxes. One was to remain in an attitude of servanthood while people are rude to you, which is very hard, but possible to do. The next day I almost got fired by a manager that wasn't my manager. The manager was blowing off some steam at me because things were getting stressfull. Imagine: "Mom i got fired during an outreach"

The speakers gave advice on Real Estate and Taxes and a bunch of other random advice. Speakers in the begining seemed like they wanted to help these people who were listeing. As time went on I'm sad to say that the speakers got worse. I noticed that the people there were desperate. The man before Donald Trump was a financial teacher that uses hypnotising that "influences" people to get rich. It felt repulsed by it all. People were all for him.

Before Donald Trump went on we had to pass out these balloon sticks that say Trump on them. As i was going from aisle to aisle passing out balloons, more and more people got out of their seats surrounding me. It felt like I was feeding starving people. When Donald Trump came on it was more entertainment than anything.

Finally after 12 hours the first day, 16 hours of working the second day the madness was over. We went back to Sharayah's church ate and slept. The next day we sleep in until twelve and minister to the church that night. The people fed us well and treated us greatly. Then 11 at night we made our 6 hours journey back home to New Hampshire.

Tuesday our last day we had a dinner and a commencement. It was hard to say good bye, that day was tough for me. I'm not good at goodbyes.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Parents meet New Hampshire

So my parents came into town Friday. After leaving Virginia at 3 in the morning they got here around 1 in the afternoon. We just hung out in New London, not much to do in New London. Saturday night there was dinner, a time to explain what we do and a time of ministering for the parents at the Yellow House. Angie my sister had a dream interpreted, and the interns later prayed over my family. It was amazing. I don't think my parents ever have had anyone pray and speak prophetically over them in this way. It was moving seeing how my parents reacted to the love of God. Then my parents left at 4 the next morning.
My sister and I explored through marshes behind the guys house.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Donald Trump?"

Im greatly overjoyed for the next coming events. Recently we found out that our next and last outreach trip is going to take place in New York City. Yes New York City. To add to it,we are going to New York for a Donald Trump Business convention. Yes a Donald Trump convention. I thought Salem was enough to make this experience out of the ordinary. Adding this will make this experience here at Streams a very unique and memorable time of my life. So Donald Trump has this convention with business people from many places and thats all I know. I tried looking up more information but all I know is what we have been told by our staff. More will come when we actually go. Right now we are there to help out with whatever they want, serving them. We are trying to get permission to set up dream teams in the event. I can't wait. So we will be going on the 17th to the 20th of November.

Tomorrow my folks are driving up to see me. My parents are amazing. They are driving 10 hours from Northern, VA just to see me for a day and a half. So now they can see the weird stuff that we do here.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

History Made

This past weekend Dale and Shelly two of our very dear friends came to visit us from Richmond, VA. They are elders to the church Emily, Jessica and I go to. Showing them around New London. We showed them the "Pinnacle" which is a mountain that Streams Ministries owns in which you can go up and worship, pray , do whatever. You can see Mt. Washington of the White Mountains from its peak. As we were up there we could see approaching snow instead of a wall of rain it was a wall of snow. Later while laying on the ground, the snow came. Dale and Shelly came while we were on our four day break after Salem, so there was not much scheduled stuff going on. Hanging out was what we did. From traveling 40 minutes to the next town; Concord to see a movie and to eat at Olive Garden to going down town New London drinking coffee in a coffee shop. It was so good to have them here.

"Sunday , Sunday oh Sunday" was a day to remember. Let me tell you God is amazing in His ways. At the church we go to up here called the "Bridge" a very special ceremony would take place. This ceremony would redeem the blood shed that had happen here for hundreds of years between the English and French Colonials against the Pennacook and Piscataqua tribes in the New Hampshire area. For the white man came and stole this land that rightfully belonged to the Native Americans, but instead of following protocol we took it for ourselves. So going in on Sunday morning we were accompanied by feathers, skin drums, beautiful ornate garments that were worn by Native Americans. They were not just from the local area but from all over the country. Natives from Nevada, Canada, and Mexico. One woman was the chef over a many tribes in British Columbia, Canada. Others were mixed in their Heritage.

The purpose of the ceremony was to apologize for the stealing of land that was rightfully the Natives (First nation's). People who were of English descent and wanted to, gave a gift and asked forgiveness for the wrongs of their forefathers and asked permission to remain on this land. I'm dumbfounded. My heart within me is aching because the amazing things that are happening. Never would I imagine this would happen or could happen between Native Americans and us. After all that had happened, Forgiveness was given. History was made here in New Hampshire, but I believe this will and is going to effect the rest of the country. Forgiveness is going to unlock the purpose and give us legal right in the legal systems of God's Kingdom to bring more manifestations of God on, in and through this land. Because even creation itself is groans in great expectation for manifestations of Gods family on this earth. "On earth as it is in Heaven".

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Salem = Peace

I am a different person. In four days, what I have experienced has changed me forever. My character has been matured, my way of thinking has completely been rearranged, and we have experienced a very rare encounter that I believe that not many people on this earth have or will experience.

We came to Salem again, to love on Pagans and Witches and whoever else was there. The best way I could explain my experience was that of a movie. Many things going on were of movie surrealness. First of all you hear witches making spells with weird ingredients such as, toad eyes and some kind of blood, etc, etc. Let me tell you, there are people that actually do that. There are people who believe they are vampires and have lived for 400 years. An entire community like this exists in Salem Mass.

Secondly, persecution of witches Salem was famous for in the late 1600's is still going on now. Picture this with me, an entire street filled with people, many wearing costumes, lots of witch outfits, People selling vampire fangs, and New Age products. In the midst of all this, you see huge signs that say "Trust Jesus", "Repent" ( with a list of sins ). These people are not just holding signs they are passing out tracks and speaking through mega phones, preaching about repentance and Jesus. Now don't get me wrong I believe we need to trust Jesus in our lives and turning away from crap (sin) in our lives is well needed but HOW these truths were communicated buy these Christians I disagreed with.

The last thing I wanted to say about Salem is that we had the preveledge to talk and help two High level witches (men) and a phycic (women) on Halloween eve. Some of the Christians holding the signs got a little too rough with these guys. To the point that they called for people at the "Gathering"(church we partnered with during the four days) to get these Christians to stop. So they did. Being very grateful the two Witches and psychic came down the road to the "Gathering" and hid out for a while, because they were shaken up. These three already had a relationship with the Pastor at the "Gathering"so they knew that pastor was a Christian they can trust; along with us. So we talked to these guys until 1:30 in the morning. In that conversation so many things happened. Just picture this with me. High level witches accepted in a church on Halloween eve where they were feed, comforted and allowed to converse with us for hours. That's a very rare sight. I don't think many people have or will experience something like that. But oh is it a wonderful experience. One of the witches said that "you know what Jesus Christ is"? then points at us and says, "This is Jesus Christ" I was dumbfounded when he said that. He saw the Love of God in us. The true expression of Christ is Love, no judgment, no bitterness, love.

So many more things had happened, but I just can't explain it all.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Hello today we had an amazing time in class. We learned about the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (New Moon) and we had some interns share with us stuff about their lives. The things that they had to share was very powerful. Kulbir (England) told us about how she grew up in HInduism into Christianity. After we partaked in a Indian tradition called Rakhi which is a festival that celebrates unity between family members. So the girls gave bracelets to the guys thanking us for being good brothers to them and we exchanged Hersey Kisses to symbolize sweetining our relationship.
Later after dinner we had a meeting about Salem for our next and final trip. This one will be four days straight, Halloween being the last day. So pray for us that we will be protected, Loving, Faithful and Joyful. Thank You

Monday, October 23, 2006

It was amazing

Sorry for the delay. Ministering at "Haunted Happenings" (Salem) has taken a lot out of us. It was amazing!!! This is the first weekend of actual ministry at Salem. Most of last week was spend preparing for this weekend, so that's why I have not posted anything for a while. So anyways We left for Salem 9 'o'clock in the morning. Guys and girls cramming in two 15 passenger vans plus 2 cars, we make our two hour trip south. Upon arrival we hit bumper to bumper traffic. All of these people are here for "Haunted Happenings". We pull in and unload all of our gear (tents, tables , signs, etc., etc.) We will be ministered in two places this weekend. One at the church and the other down the street. Many jobs go on at once during our time of ministry. Our main form of ministries to these people is through "Dream interpretation" and "Spiritual Readings". To elaborate, we know God speaks to us in many ways, dreams is one way, so we use biblical ways to interpret people's dreams. "Spiritual Readings" is just a new age way of saying "prophecy" and for those who don't know what I mean about "prophecy", it means to hear what God is saying to the person your ministering to. Along with those we have people praying constantly, people doing video interviews, people hosting the tents, and then the actual ministry teams. The teams consist of three people so we never minister alone. Inside each team has a table where someone from the streets comes in and sits down.

So there were some very amazing stories. One man came in who practiced Wicca and was having the same recurring nightmare twice a month. In the dream he was driving his car down a road when lava started coming through the ground surrounding him. It started to rain as all of this was happening. There was a tornado of lava too. We felt that God was telling him that the road he was going down was a path of destruction and help is going to come not from you but from Heaven. (A lot of the dreams nonbelievers get are very simple). So we prayed with him and invited the Creator (God) to come into his life and reveal more of Himself to him. Sara (Scotland) was holding his hands as they were praying. He and Sara was feeling a electricity like feeling between his hands and hers. The man never felt anything like it. The Holy Spirit was revealing God to him in that specific way. (God moves however he wants)

So this was one story of very many that I have. More I will tell, but later. Its getting late I need to go.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"Kids these Days"

Hello its been awhile. A lot has happened this weekend. Friday and Saturday I went to a seminar called "Elijah House", which is a ministry that focuses on healing our hearts from past experiences. Forgiving and letting go any judgments that we hold on to. Vows we say in our hearts (such as "People betray me...Therefore... I will never share my feeling with anyone") can negatively affect us for the rest of our lifes if we don't renounce it and forgive those particular people. "It is so great to be free from my own crap. We don't have to be in our own prison anymore.

So after the long seminar we went to the Yellow house (Girls house) ate yummy Lasagna which Emily (Virginia) cooked for us and then we goofed around the rest of the night. Sarah (Scotland) had this urge to swim in a nearby lake, at night , in the cold (supposedly she does that a lot in Scotland). Other people went with her. Supposedly the guys got out before she ever did. The next morning I skipped church (ahhhhhhh) and slept into 12.

Later Sunday I helped make dinner and we prepared for "Impartation". Impartation is when assigned interns share with us whatever they have, whether it is pray for us, share an experience, or whatever else it may be. Today Emily (Virginia) and Danielle (South Carolina) "Imparted". Emily shared the verse about Jesus washing the feet of the Disciples, saying you have no part in Me if you don't let Me wash your feet. You won't get what the Son of God has to offer if you don't receive what the Son of God has to offer. HIs service. So to add integrity to the verse we washed each other's feet. Mine of course was the cleanest out of everyones.

Then Danielle blew us away with sharing her experiences with her dad and step dad. She then played a song that explained her need for a dad. An amazing song. We were all moved.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Five Guys and a Man

Today five of us, Chad (Michigan),Dave (Mass.), Mathew (New Jersey) and Luke (Canada) went to Salem again. We helped set up a stage for "Haunted Happenings". Phil's dream from "The Gathering" church is to have this stage right in the middle of the festival. Christian bands will be playing there as well as secular bands. It is amazing that a pastor of a church is setting up a stage for music right in the middle of witchcraft festivities. God has given Phil such favor with those people. He's talks to all sorts of witches, pyschics and tarot card readers.

The people fasinate me there. I was drawn to this one women at the Pyschic Fair. I first saw her walking around as she was taking a smoking break. She had short white hair with eye make up and an old fashion asian dress on. Her demeanor was very unique. I could tell that she was very serious about her practice. Come to find out today, she was a tarot card reader. Her poster was hanging outside the Pyschic area. Thinking to myself I was intrigued what God thinks of her. What true calling does she have. She may have a God given gift, but obviously used for the wrong reasons. God must really love her, even though she doesn't live for Him.

Its so good look at people through God's eyes intead of judgmental, intimidated eyes. I could tell that this woman was put on this earth for a reason.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Typical Day

Today was just a typical Streams Academy day. We go to class, learn how to hear from God, pray for people who are in need and then go to work at the Streams office. At the Streams office I'm in the "Sight and Sound" department where I help out the editing of the ministries' teachings, after they're edited they are sent around the world for people to hear.

Tomorrow me and a few other guys are on a special mission to Salem. Where we are going to help "The Gathering" church set up a stage in the streets of Salem. I can't wait. Ever since Sunday I've been interested in that place.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


This Sunday we drove to Salem Mass. Where all the famous witch trails happened in the late 1600's. Now Salem is known for its huge witchcraft, wiccan, and neo-pagan community. There are 13 witchcraft stores in Salem alone. Every October there is a month long celebration of Halloween called "Haunted Happenings". It is supposedly the largest witchcraft festival in the world.

Our reason for going today is to learn more about witchcraft to better understand this community. For the next few weekends we will be going back to Salem setting up a tents like we did yesterday at the Chilli Cookoff.

There is a church called "The Gathering" smack dab in the middle of "Haunted Happenings". The Pastor there has a calling for the witchcraft community.He loves them very much and has a wonderful ministry for them. We talked about the differences between wiccans, Satanist, pagans and others. Also to better understand why many left the church to pursue witchcraft.

There were these vampires outside of this store. I wanted to talk to him but instead i took a picture of him.

Here, Caleb (from Canada) takes comfort in the arms of Chad (from Michigan) after a scary day at "Haunted Happenings"

Rebecca (from Sweden) Radiates her beauty in the midst of Salem.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Chilli Cookoff

We went to the Claremont Chilli Cookoff today ministering to people on the street. It was so much fun. I was kind of nervous but once we had people come into our tents for a "Spiritual Reading and or Dream Interpretation" I quickly learned how to sense where people are at in their spiritual walk, and then expose them slowly to God from there.

We had people who were big into new age , people who had never been to church before and people who were actual christians come and allow us to minister to them. It was a great experience to talk to so many different kinds of people.

Even Llamas came to be ministered to.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Quest Begins

August 30th, 2006 Our flight to Boston was amazing. I love flying. We flew above the overcast sky where it is always sunny.

I could see Cape Cod from the air. I had a road atlas with me so whatever I was looking at in the Atlas I could see it out the window. It was amazing.

After the flight we took a bus to New Hampshire. Emily and Jessica were well prepare for three months (as you can see). It was an adventure.

My New Home

This is the guys house called the Grey House. It looks pretty small on the front, but trust me it is enormous on the inside. We have a sauna and a pattle ball court.

My room.

Here's a space eye view

And out house