In the center of the room was the glorified Son. His presence was so bright that the pure light coming from His face felt like a walk into the heart of a nuclear explosion. Yet somehow, He gave me grace to be able to walk toward Him." (Shawn Bolz, The Throne Room Company, p.20)
Heaven's like a nuclear explosion?, sounds like a pretty intense place to live. If any body wants to know what Heaven is like here is one description by Shawn Bolz who experienced first hand such a place. The cool thing he's not the only one who has visited Heaven before they died, many today have had similar experiences, ie: John Paul Jackson. In the Bible in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Paul talks about a man who was caught up into the 3rd Heaven where he heard inexpressable words. God is desiring a generation to know what Heaven is like, to bring it on Earth (Shawn Bolz), "On Earth as it is in Heaven".
This week was pretty tough for us all personally. Being in such a unique enviornment, we start feeling growing pains a lot; characterly and spiritually speaking. God is a consuming fire when it comes to maturing us. I thought going to Streams Academy would be filled with great comfort and nonstop parties. Instead we're maturing and building our character, whats up with that?
Out of this we know that great promises will come out of our pain. But even going through the personal crushing with the Holy Spirit we can learn to enjoy it with perserverance or just give up to face it some other time in life. Whatever the issue God will bring it up again. He loves us too much to let us go through life messed up in our corrupted state. Instead He messes us up.
Enough hard talking, we understand the reward is more pressious than iPods, BlueRay DVD's, and Nintendo Wii's combined. We are willing to go through it with peace and trust.
I pray for anyone reading this, as you go through any friction in life, stop ask your self "what is God speaking to me about me in this situation" Interprate it as if it were a dream. What would your situation mean if it were a dream. Then you won't freak out so much.
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