Wednesday, February 14, 2007

T'was a Cold Day with Hearts and Music

This morning on Valentines Day we were presented with a blizzard that is still going on right now, leaving over 2 feet of snow. Because of the dumping of so much snow at once, the highly trained snow plows still were no match. We did not go to work today but we got together in our house to discover what God was speaking to us with dreams we had last night.

Example: One guy had a dream where he noticed a brand new Jeep parked on the otherside of a short wall. As he easily hopped over the wall, he realised the jeep had a concrete bottom. Opening the door he stepped in, to his surprise it was much bigger on the inside than on the out side. After that a couple of baboons walked by, smiled at him and then left to join other animals walking down the street.

We attempted to interprate what God was telling him.

Here we go. The new jeep on the otherside of the short wall was a new stage (new ministry or occupation) coming up in his life. There will only be a short obstacle in the way but he'll get there. This new (ministry or occupation) will have a solid foundation and it will provide more room and space than what it looks like from the outside. The baboons who usually are agressive creatures, smile at him instead leaving him alone, They could be people who would usually bothered him will no longer do so leaving him alone.

My God uses Baboons and Jeeps to speak his children. I love that.

Later lay ahead a Valentine Surprise for the ladies in the internship. At the guys house we cleaned!!!!, cooked an amazing meal, dressed up, decorated and provided elegant music. As the dressed up girls came in from the blizzard outside we escorted to the tables. First was the meal along with live violin music. Then finishing off the meal with cheese cake. After that the greatest dance party New London will ever see. Yes we are Christians.....were dancing fools. It was such an amazing time to show the girls that we love them and hold them with high regard. To extend our covenant with them telling them that they are princesses.

Happy Valentines Day

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