Monday, October 01, 2007

Farewell Samuel

This past weekend we went to "Worship Invasion" an intense worship event that travels to different churches around Abbotsford. There I have never felt such freedom during worship, we were all dancing and singing all together. It was great seeing all the interns moving as one. Sunday nite we saw Graham Ord at church in Surrey. Graham is an amazing worship artist from the UK who lives in Kelowna, Canada. He would grab people out of the crowed who played instruments to perform. One man in the audience got on stage and started playing the the harmonica. It was awesome. Graham would give the microphone to people and walk away, He recognized that the worship was not his own, it wasn't about him at all.
But overall we have been trucking along with ISD classes, impartations, prayer, counseling, work, etc. I'm impressed with everyone. Today we had Spiritual Alignment, we did an excecise where we would look into everyones eyes individually for about a minute without saying anything. Since the eyes are the gateway to the soul we would look deeper into them, seeing their destiny, hearing what God is telling them. Afterwards you feel like you know everyone better and your not afraid to make eye contact because you spent the last 30 minutes looking into everyones eyes.

Samuel left here Sunday back to Kenya and we will miss him dearly.

Eric talking to us before we venture out to Stanley Park

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like y'all are having a great time! Love you Anthony