Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Babson, Babson" I Do Declare

We outreached in Bearskin Neck in Rockport, MA. The story goes as told "Babson, Babson killed a bear, with his knife I do declare" A bear trapped by the tide was suppossedly killed by John Babson. RockPort felt a lot like Salem because there were lots of occultic shoppes. Tarot Card readers, Magic shoppes etc.

But the Kingdom of Heaven showed up this rainy Saturday afternoon to Reign down on Rockport. Chad (Michigan) and Jamie (Canada) talked and prophecied to one of the Tarot Readers for an hour. Then twenty minutes prayed for her, she recieve the "Great White Light" (Jesus) in her heart.

There was a Jewish girl who had Jesus appear to her in the form of King Arthur. She being a flower was saved from a giant foot that was going to crush her and the kingdom of flowers. So King Arthur slashed the giant foot with His sword and it deflated. I told her that God is like your King, pray to Him as a King, ask for His help. Never thinking God in that way she left
with homework.

We also when to a church called "Eagle&Dove ministries" runned by Donna Milham, she reminds me of an art teacher. If an art teacher could be a pastor of a church this is what it would look like. The church is in a old building shop, long and narrow inside with brick exposed walls. Looking more like a coffee shop than a church. No traditional symbols or anything churchy. There were tribal drums being played, people dancing and doing artwork. All this during worship, all this was worship. It was a great experience.

I was introduced to some unique friends.

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