Monday, June 25, 2007

"The Beginend"

I am going to greatly miss New Hampshire, it has served me well. The place where I would never expect to be I'm now leaving. This week has been a dwindling effect of people. Half of us are gone already. Many in Mexico for a missions trip and others home. I leave Friday, blessing and leaving my peace here. Thank You Streams Academy, New Hamsphire and God.

Here are some of the many stories to look back on. They're very abreviated

Story #1
Lidia, a homeless drunk woman who we encountered on the streets of Worscester was struggling with the Love flowing through us. She hated and loved it. Following us all day, she was drawn to us because she saw and felt something different about us. God was moving. She left with a Bible and hugged us in the midst of her grouchy drunken character.

Story #2
A Jewish finacial broker who was practicing and experimenting with witchcraft encountered us at Salem in October. From her perspective she "encountered these amazing young people (us) who were doing spiritual readings (personal prophecy) and dream interepretations." "I was so blown away of their love and ability to intereprete my dream, no one before was able to intereprete it. Hiding my reaction after leaving the tent, I went around the corner against the wall and started crying, it was powerful. I asked God to reveal Himself to me. That night Jesus came to me."

Story #3
Rockport Outreach: Chad (Michigan) and Jamie (Alberta) went into a tarot shop and spoke words of life and destiny to the tarot reader, for an hour. Then after they prayed over her. One of the things they prayed was that she would recieve God into her heart (spoken in more veil terms). After walking by her I noticed her to be very free and bright.

Story #4
Boston Outreach: Changing the atmoshere of Boston. The city was Gods playground that weekend. We talked and gave food to some great people who lacked a personal home. Restored the streets (picked up random trash). We saw the "Prince of Peace"(Jesus) literally calm the arguing and strong confrontation between Christians evangelists and Gay activists in the Boston Commons. To the point were they were sitting right next each other, some even talking to each other without arguing. We could talk to some of the activists about God without arguing.

"Live Free or Die"

1 comment:

Dustin Zupancic said...

Awesome stories Anthony, it's so good to be constantly reminding ourselves and others of what God is doing and has done for us!