Friday, June 08, 2007


So things are coming close to an end? Transition and Unknowing is in the air. All of us are wondering, preparing, planing, waiting and praying for whats coming up next. Many are going to Pedras Negras, Mexico for a mission trip, others are planing to come back here in New England for next year, others many others are planing to go to Streams Canada in Vancouver in September. I personally am planing to leave this country to our Northern Neighbors the Canadians (Vancouver). "West coast baby!". Never have I been outside this country, though Vancouver is only two ours north of Seattle its still great to be across the border (and on the West Coast). Today im going to have a meeting with Eric and Joni Cooper (Head of Streams Canada) to get all information (passport, visa's, etc.).

Tomorrow we are on an outreach. Abbey (Detroit) will be leading us at Rockport, MA. We will have set up tents a be ministering to the people out on the streets, seeing what God is speaking them. Pray for us.

Here are some pictures of Vancouver

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