Friday, January 12, 2007

Jesus Blog!!!

A week has already gone by. Classes were amazing, we learned about Saints from the past, including Saint Anthony of Egypt and Saint Perpetua.

Sitting in the classroom early morning waiting, John Harding walks up to the front of the room wearing a brown robe with a rope belt and sandals, looking like he's from a Christmas play he begins his presentation on Saint Perpetua. Within moments we are back in time talking to the brother of this amazing saint. Being martyrd for her belief in Christ, Perpetua was getting visions and dreams from God that would give her the comfort to suffer through her execution. To the point that she was joyful of her fate, sharing the same sufferings of Christ. People were so shocked at her peace before her death that many turned decided to live for Christ. Her brother telling us about her amazing life dedicated his life, to live for our Creator.

Studying these amazing people opened my eyes to the importance of remembering what they've done. The cry of their lives is begging to be heard to remind us that our belief in Christ has much more genuine followers throughout history. Though there were many unfaithful people in church history, Good people of the faith were in prevalence.

On Wedsnday we had Aaron Evans come and impart to us what he's got. Formally practicing Islam,one of the beliefs he had was that Christianity was the whiteman's religion. After many generations of his family not following in their true destiny, Christ came to Aaron in the form of a man. This man was literally fire. Christ being fire told him that He was neither black nor white and that he wanted Aaron to follow Him. So without further ado Aaron changed his life. Im so glad God is not prejudice. I love how He blows racial mindsets out of the water. Think about it, this guys on fire a burning man, anything that is not of him will be blown out of the water, Jesus is just that cool. After teaching us, Aaron prayed for us each individually all 28 of us.

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